Environmental Stewardship as a Spiritual Practice: 5 habits to elevate your wellbeing & the world

“Transform yourself to transform the world.”
~ Grace Lee Boggs, activist and philosopher 

by Catherine Roscoe Barr, neuroscience-based wellness coach

I hope you are taking good care of yourself during these unprecedented times.

Resilience is the ability to withstand difficult situations – a quality we must focus on developing and maintaining now more than ever.

Here in BC, the recent mudslides and floods have displaced thousands of families, destroyed homes and businesses, and resulted in the loss of life for people and animals.

With climate change, the Covid-19 pandemic, social injustice, and some personal stuff weighing heavily on me, I have spent much time lately contemplating how to remain grounded, present and hopeful when life feels overwhelming.

I believe that so many of the world’s problems are a direct result of disconnection from our humanity – the lack of daily practices that connect us with kindness and compassion for ourselves, each other, and the planet.

As Alanis Morissette says in Ablaze (one my favourite songs ever), “You may be overcome with darkness and a sense of hopelessness, but it won't matter if you keep the core connected to the oneness.”

Now is the time to keep connected to the oneness by putting sustainable practices in place, for our collective wellbeing and for our world.

The great news is that it’s a 2-for-1 deal – much of what makes us healthier (and more resilient) will make our planet healthier too!

I’ve adopted the mindset of environmental stewardship as a spiritual practice.

This mindset helps keep me motivated and consistent.

A spiritual practice is an intentional activity to deepen the relationship with your highest self and connect with universal oneness.

Environmental stewardship is “the responsible use and protection of the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices to enhance ecosystem resilience and human wellbeing.”

Sustainable practices are actions that we’re able to maintain for the harmonious coexistence of Earth’s biosphere and human civilization.

Here are 5 sustainable practices to start now, to elevate both your wellbeing and the world:

1. FOOD: Eating real, fresh whole foods are critical to mental and physical health

2. WATER: Even mild dehydration affects mood, focus, metabolism and digestion, so drink up!

  • Don’t drink bottled water. Just don’t. (Unless, of course, you live in a community with drinking water advisories)

  • Don’t waste water (shorten your showers, ditch grass for native plants in your yard, and repurpose when possible – if there are glasses or water bottles with leftovers in my home at the end of the day, I use them to water my houseplants)

3. CLOTHING: Reduce, reuse and recycle to beautify your exterior

  • Avoid fast fashion (read this post on Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion by Elizabeth L. Cline)

  • Invest in ethical designers and shop second-hand (exchange children’s clothes with friends and neighbours!)

4. SHELTER: Spark joy with a tidy, thoughtful, minimalist home

5. TRANSPORTATION: Walk, run or bike for mood-boosting green exercise!

  • Utilize public transportation and active transportation (i.e. “human-powered forms of travel, such as walking, cycling, in-line skating, skateboarding, skiing, canoeing, etc.”)

  • Use gas sparingly (chunk errands, travel wisely)

This holiday season, choose experiences over things, and give gifts to elevate your wellbeing and the world!

Give others your presence instead of presents, with outdoor adventures and festive gatherings (with a select few of your fully vaxed friends)!

And for yourself, why not invest in an immersive wellness experience dedicated to developing daily practices that connect you with kindness and compassion for yourself, others, and the planet?

Registration for my Oak Bay Beach Hotel Wellness Retreat (from January 28-31, 2022) is open until January 14, 2022.

Take care! The world needs you to be well.
