NEW wellness workshop series in Vancouver

The Life Delicious' NEW a la carte workshop series in Vancouver, BC offers my complete holistic wellness curriculum packaged in 6 x 3-hour events at convenient weekday morning and evening times in Chinatown and Gastown.

  1. February 3 – Hardwiring wellness: neuroplasticity and stress management 
  2. February 10 – Movement: exercise and the anti-sedentary revolution
  3. March 2 – Brain hygiene, sleep and productivity
  4. March 9 – Emodiversity, positive psychology and the negativity bias
  5. March 31 – Mind-body-spirit nutrition and detox
  6. April 7 – Radical self-love


*$69 each or $349 for all 6 workshops (save $65)*

WORKSHOP 1. Hardwiring wellness: neuroplasticity and stress management

Friday, February 3 from 8am-11am at STRETCH Yoga Studio (180 E. Pender St.)

Don’t miss this key foundational workshop! One of the most simple and effective ways to tap into your personal power and transform your life is through the mindful practice of self-directed neuroplasticity. You can consciously hardwire healthy habits so they become woven into the fabric of your life.

Learn how to assess and reduce your overall stress inventory, and practice three simple mindset shifts to revolutionize the way you manage stress. Plus, gain personalized strategies to elicit your body’s amazing relaxation response to boost immune, digestive, reproductive and metabolic health, and cognitive function.   

WORKSHOP 2. Movement: exercise and the anti-sedentary revolution

Friday, February 10 from 8am-11am at STRETCH Yoga Studio (180 E. Pender St.)

The human body is meant to move! You’ll start this workshop with a 60-minute workout that covers strength, cardio and flexibility, focusing on the development of functional movement and expansive posture.

It’s a big accomplishment to exercise every day, but even if you do, that still leaves 23 hours for sedentary behaviour (sitting, and even standing, still) to creep in. Research confirms that weaving physical activity throughout your day is one of the best things you can do for health, happiness and productivity. Learn the scary consequences of a sedentary lifestyle and create personalized strategies to start your own anti-sedentary revolution!  

WORKSHOP 3. Brain hygiene, sleep and productivity

Thursday, March 2 from 6pm-9pm at The Profile (200 - 375 Water St.)

One of the most powerful ways to develop mindfulness is through the practice of meditation. We’ll explore a number of different meditation styles plus meditation’s myriad benefits, including reduced mental turbulence, increased cognitive function, boosted self-healing, and greater connection to your inner wisdom.

Because your brain and body regenerate and repair while you sleep, it’s one of the most important practices for you to perfect. By adopting a life-changing set of AM/PM rituals you can ensure improved quality of sleep and the incredible benefits that follow.

Finally, you’ll learn the art of uni-tasking to create unprecedented productivity. Multi-tasking can elicit the stress response, burn through precious energy, and lead to decision overload. Three powerful tools can combat these effects.  

WORKSHOP 4. Emodiversity, positive psychology and the negativity bias

Thursday, March 9 from 6pm-9pm at The Profile (200 - 375 Water St.)

Research suggests that a diverse emotional ecosystem is associated with greater mental and physical health, self-awareness and resilience. Learn how to recognize, honour and process your emotions, flow through the emotional spectrum, and gain effective strategies from the field of positive psychology to help you thrive.

On the flipside, discover how your brain’s negativity bias not only helps to keep you safe from physical harm but, unchecked, can become hyper-sensitive to “mental danger” – negative thoughts, false stories, worry, anxiety – and hold you back from experiencing productive confidence, galvanizing optimism and fulfilling social connections.

WORKSHOP 5. Mind-body-spirit nutrition and detox

Friday, March 31 from 8am-11am at STRETCH Yoga Studio (180 E. Pender St.)

You are a remarkable machine that requires premium fuel! Learn joyful strategies to fuel mind, body and spirit that ban deprivation, include indulgence and consider the far-reaching consequences of what you put on your plate. Discover which foods, in which combinations, create optimal brain chemistry, and learn what the latest research says about nurturing the beneficial bacteria that make up your microbiome – and how these trillions of microbes affect immunity, metabolism, mood and cognition.  

While our comprehensive detox plan will briefly look at your diet, beauty products and household cleaners, we'll primarily focus on the “invisible toxins” – mental stress, spiritual disconnect and disheartening relationships – that seriously sabotage wellbeing.  

6. Radical self-love

Friday, April 7 from 8am-11am at STRETCH Yoga Studio (180 E. Pender St.)

Don't miss this powerful workshop! You can truly transform your life when you take a holistic, inside-out approach to the relationship you have with yourself, others, and the world around you. Create a rock-solid foundation with these four pillars of self-love:

  • Self-knowledge
  • Self-nurturing
  • Self-forgiveness
  • Self-trust

Self-knowledge requires developing mindfulness, strengthening intuition, and deepening physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental and spiritual connection.

To boost self-nurturing, you must discover what serves you, and what sabotages you – what fills you up, and what drains you – and, with that understanding, create and implement personalized brain hygiene, movement, and nutrition practices.

Practice self-forgiveness so you don’t waste time being stuck in the past. Transform guilt to growth, and propel yourself forward. Learn to shift your inner dialogue by addressing your inner critic and cultivating inner compassion.

Self-trust provides certainty that you can handle anything. Learn to boost this final pillar by cultivating your inner cheerleader, creating a personalized mantra and vision statement, and transcending self-inflicted upper limits. 

When you purchase all 6 workshops together, you'll be gaining The Life Delicious' entire holistic wellness curriculum – and save $65!

Visit to register.