TLD December Intel: A Monthly Roundup Of Intelligence To Help You Live The Life Delicious!

Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

It’s a hefty roundup this month! I came across so many things I wanted to share.

Plus, I’m next-level excited to share details on my NEW 2017 offerings in Vancouver, Victoria and London, UK!

I hope the following resources will help you get excited to make 2017 the best year yet, and offer some inspiring insight on holistic wellness.

Happy reading/listening/watching!

Pressed for time? My top 3 picks:


EVENTS: The Life Delicious’ NEW a la carte workshop series (Vancouver, BC)

The Life Delicious holistic wellness curriculum – organized and offered in a brand new way!

The NEW “a la carte” workshop series offers the complete curriculum packaged in 6 x 3-hour events at convenient weekday morning and evening times in Chinatown and Gastown.

*$69 each or $349 for all 6 workshops (save $65)*

  1. Hardwiring wellness: neuroplasticity and stress management
  2. Exercise and the anti-sedentary revolution
  3. Brain hygiene, sleep and productivity
  4. Emodiversity, positive psychology and the negativity bias
  5. Mind-body-spirit nutrition and detox
  6. Radical self-love



EVENT: The Luxury Wellness Retreat at Fairmont Empress (Victoria, BC)  |  February 17-19, 2017

(PHOTO CREDIT: Michelle Ardiel)

This February, join us at the Fairmont Empress Luxury Wellness Retreat for a weekend dedicated to creating personalized self-care strategies to live your BEST life! You only need to focus on yourself, as gourmet healthy meals, guided workouts, and luxury accommodations are all taken care of for you. Invest in discovering how you can boost happiness, reduce stress, sleep better, move better, fuel better, and transform mind, body and spirit.

Save on double occupancy when you bring a friend or lover! Visit WWW.FAIRMONT.COM/EMPRESS-VICTORIA to register today.


EVENT: The Weekend Retreat at Westminster Physiotherapy & Pilates Centre (London, UK)  |  May 20-21, 2017

(PHOTO CREDIT: Aaron J. Barr)

Not only will The Weekend Retreat at Westminster Physiotherapy & Pilates Centre – neighbouring Buckingham Palace – be incredibly inspiring and informative, with WPPC’s head physiotherapist Clare Fone and award-winning journalist and yoga instructor Lucy Hyslop (pictured with me above) as my co-teachers, it will be incredibly FUN! Take advantage of the great travel bargains to be had in the UK currently, and book your trip today.

Visit WWW.THELIFEDELICIOUS.CA to register today. ***Don’t wait – there are only 7 spots left***


More wellness awesomeness:


Read/heard/watched something awesome lately? Please share!

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TLD December Intel: A Monthly Roundup Of Intelligence To Help You Live #TheLifeDelicious, via @LifeDelish:

PUBLISHED: 3 Simple Tools to Begin or Boost a Meditation Practice

Photo: Moment Meditation

Photo: Moment Meditation

I dabbled in meditation for years, at first thinking it wasn't for me (how the heck does one clear the mind?!), but then taking another look after reading a lot of compelling scientific evidence (meditation changes your brain for the better) and meeting people who practiced (I wanted the peace and presence they embodied).

The resources I've included in this story (books, apps, classes) have helped me deepen my practice and experience a wide range of incredible benefits, like presence, focus, self-awareness and greater productivity.

I hope they'll help you too!

Read 3 Simple Tools to Begin or Boost a Meditation Practice at >>>

TEDxGastownWomen: My Top 3 Takeaways

TEDxGastownWomen 2016 speakers and performers. (Suzanne Rushton Photography)

TEDxGastownWomen 2016 speakers and performers. (Suzanne Rushton Photography)

If you know me, you know I’m a huge TED talks fan! I’ve been incredibly inspired by many of the videos I’ve watched and talks I’ve seen in person – and TEDxGastownWomen on October 29, 2016 was no exception!

This year’s theme: POWER.

10 speakers, 300 attendees and a team of volunteers gathered at The Imperial in Gastown for an inspiring day of WOMEN + POWER.

As you can imagine, it was awesome!

Here’s an excerpt about the event from my recent BCLiving article, 3 Must-see Fall Events for Personal Growth:

"TEDxWomen events are independently organized but must run within 24 hours of the official TEDWomen conference in San Francisco October 26-28 and feature a selection of simulcast segments from the TEDWomen event. Both events ‘celebrate the power of women and girls to be creators and change-makers,’ says TEDxWomenGastown founder and executive director Brittany Whitmore.

‘For our second annual event, we’ve chosen the theme of Power. All 10 speakers and performers will explore the concept of power from a variety of angles – personal power, to be powerless, to reclaim power, the myths surrounding power, how one gains and loses it, and what it means to have it, especially in various cultures, professions and circumstances. Our speakers will be announced and tickets will go on sale later in September.’

I believe that it’s important to explore the concept of power, especially as women, because we need to realize how powerful we can be and the incredible impact we can have on our communities, families and the world,’ says Whitmore.

‘Research has shown that when women are provided with capital for a business, they are better shepherds of this capital and can make more thoughtful and fairer decisions. Even female politicians deliver greater resources to their districts and pass more bills. And women are responsible for nearly 80% of all consumer purchasing, giving us incredible power to vote with our wallets. It’s too often that women give up their power or believe that they’re not powerful. We need to change the stories that young girls are told.’


Subscribe to TEDxGastownWomen’s newsletter HERE so you’re the first to know about their next event and receive videos as they’re released!


There were so many takeaways from the day – including exclusive video stream from the TEDWomen 2016 conference whose theme was “It’s About Time” – and such incredible energy from everyone in attendance.


These are my top 3 takeaways:

1. Emelia Symington Fedy: The Power of The Ugly Truth

(Suzanne Rushton Photography)

(Suzanne Rushton Photography)

Emelia Symington Fedy is the creator of real, raw personal essays at, a freelance writer, host on Vancouver’s Roundhouse Radio, and guest host on CBC Radio.

Fedy, who calls herself a “social acupuncturist” – someone who pokes where it hurts to facilitate healing – believes that great power comes from telling the ugly truth: about being female, being a mother, being a citizen, being human.

I agree. Her talk inspired me to share more “ugliness” by becoming more vulnerable and authentic, because sharing your whole self helps others feel alone in their own struggles.

I appreciate it when my extraordinary girlfriends admit their lives are less than perfect and share their less-than-glamorous moments – in addition to their gorgeous Instagram feeds. I love both perspectives. I love the whole perspective.

And Fey's whole perspective is hilarious and liberating.

She says the light of social media is too fluorescent, and that it’s time to shine natural light on what it means to be human – a dichotomy of beauty and grotesqueness.

INVITATION: Share something that feels a little ugly, a little vulnerable, deliciously authentic with someone you trust, and witness what it brings.  

Read Fedy’s post for TEDxGastownWomen, Power Talk, by clicking the image below:


2. Shirley Weir: Giving Menopause a Makeover

(Suzanne Rushton Photography)

(Suzanne Rushton Photography)

Shirley Weir is the founder of, a platform that “cracks open the conversation” on menopause.  

Menopause affects 100-percent of women, Weir points out! Yet there’s so must mystery, misinformation and trepidation out there about this completely natural phase of women’s lives.

Did you know that menopause is just one day? It’s the 12-month anniversary of your last period. Perimenopause, however, lasts up to 15 years before menopause!

When Weir began noticing changes she thought could be signs of menopause, her doctor told her she was too young.

Each woman is her own greatest advocate and when you know in your gut that something isn’t right, it’s up to you to relentlessly search for answers.

And, hopefully like Weir, you’ll empower other women by sharing your journey to make theirs a little less lonely, arduous and confusing. is a resource for insight, experts and healthcare providers to help you navigate perimenopause, feel more empowered, and embrace the power you hold at this stage of life!

INVITATION: Share an unusual mental or physical change with someone you trust, and witness the permission you inspire in others to share themselves, and the powerful conversations that ensue.  

Read Weir’s post for TEDxGastownWomen, When The Power Goes Out, by clicking the image below:


3. Barinder Rasode: Smashing the Double Glass Ceiling

(Suzanne Rushton Photography)

(Suzanne Rushton Photography)

Barinder Rasode is the director of social responsibility at Resource Works, a board member for the Fraser Health Authority, co-founder of SheTalks, former Surrey mayoral candidate, and 2014 Vancouver Magazine Power 50 honouree.

As a woman, you may be familiar with a little barrier called the Glass Ceiling!

As a South Asian woman – whose powerful voice for social justice goes against cultural norms – Barinder Rasode has experienced a bigger barrier: the Double Glass Ceiling.

On her mission to affect positive change in the world, Rasode was elected Surrey city councillor in Surrey in 2008 – the first female South Asian city councillor in North America – and in 2014 ran for mayor, where she experienced discrimination due to her gender, race and marital status.

At TEDxGastownWomen, Rasode shared a powerful quote from Susan B. Anthony, a women's rights activist who lived from 1820-1906: “There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers.”

Nimble in the way she exerts her positive influence – her power – Rasode now works with senior levels of government that influence natural resources and public health, and co-creates multiple annual conferences through SheTalks that focus on health and fitness, technology, leadership and resources, and inspire women to use their voices for good.  

INVITATION: Use your voice to affect change where you see change is needed. Take space, create space and demand space where your voice needs to be heard.

Read Rasode’s post for TEDxGastownWomen, Winning Back Power, by clicking the image below:

TLD November Intel: A Monthly Roundup Of Intelligence To Help You Live The Life Delicious!

Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

There’s been a fair bit of bad, sad and unsettling news in my circle and in the world lately.

It’s taken extra energy to focus on positive and productive things, and to keep my chin up.

Learning about wellness, holistic success and self-mastery always give me a little boost. I hope this month’s intel does the same for you.

Happy reading/listening/watching! 

Pressed for time? My top 3 picks:


EVENT: The Luxury Wellness Retreat at Fairmont Empress (Victoria)  |  February 17-19, 2017

(PHOTO CREDIT: Michelle Ardiel)

The first Luxury Wellness Retreat at Fairmont Empress in September was one of the most incredible experiences of my professional life! There's something extraordinary about the complete immersion in a luxury setting, where every meal is exquisitely delicious and healthy, your bed is all yours and like a magical fluffy cloud, and you don't have to worry about a single thing except focusing on exactly what you need in your life (and what you don't), and creating a personalized action plan to ensure your battery overflows


EVENT: WNORTH Conference (Whistler)  |  April 19-21, 2017

2017 Theme: Authenticity, Image & Power  

***Early Bird Conference Passes Available until November 25

Not only am I excited to be part of WNORTH Conference 2017 as an attendee (this year's event was AMAZING), I'll be curating the conference meals at Nita Lake Lodge to optimize energy, vitality and productivity! PLUS, I'm totally thrilled to be of the main stage speakers, alongside Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin, Dan Pontefract, Esther Ayorinde and Donna Burton

More wellness awesomeness:


Read/heard/watched something awesome lately? Please share!

And, if you have a friend who’d love this intel, please forward this email to them!

Are you enjoying these monthly intels? I'd love to hear your feedback!

Thanks for sharing. 



FEATURED: The Winter Retreat You Need, STAT

VITA Daily's Vancouver editor, the awesome Aurea Dempsey, joined us for the first Luxury Wellness Retreat at Fairmont Empress, September 30 to October 2, 2016.

"Before checking yourself into another ‘self help’ book, you’ll want to check yourself into something much, much better. We recently did just that, and are now counting down the days to do it all again. Here are the delicious details…"

The next Luxury Wellness Retreat at Fairmont Empress is February 17 to 19, 2017!

Click HERE for more details and to register.

*** Bringing a friend? Call Resort Reservations at 1-866-540-4429 to book the special duo rate of only $799 for a second person, based on double occupancy!

FEATURED: Zen (Or Something Like It) And The Art of Self-Help

I love hearing other people's takes on my holistic wellness curriculum, so I was beyond thrilled when the incredible Kate MacLennan, Lululemon's Global Editor, took time out of her fabulous life to join us for The Foundation Retreat earlier this year!

>>> Check out her story, Zen (Or Something Like It) And The Art of Self-Help, HERE <<< 

Click HERE for details on The Life Delicious' upcoming retreats!

TLD October Intel: A Monthly Roundup Of Intelligence To Help You Live The Life Delicious!

Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

The last two months have been hectic! I've had retreats, conferences, corporate workshops, private clients – and have been flying mostly solo with all of the household minutiae (laundry, dishes, keeping plants alive) while my amazing husband has been working overtime on a little film called Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (in theatres December 16! i.e. the end of OT is in sight!).

I have never felt such wellsprings of gratitude in my life – for my family, my friends, my career, my health – but throughout this hectic period it's been a very conscious daily practice of reminding myself to prioritize self-care. 

I'll admit, there's been at least one time when I've cried out of exhaustion and frustration. But it's a beautiful thing to give yourself permission to really feel your feelings and witness the energy shift that occurs when you allow your emotions to become energy in motion – an incredibly helpful concept I learned from the wonderful Dr. Divi, founder of the College of Mind Body Spirit Medicine.

When you don't honour your emotions and instead bury or mask them (everything is amaaazing! *silently cries on the inside while flashing a fake smile*) you're doing your mind, body and spirit a disservice. 

Unprocessed mental pain can manifest as physical symptoms. 

Plus, when your actions are out of alignment with the truth of how you're feeling, it's a real energy zapper! And if you, like me, are experiencing a hectic period in your life, you know that energy-zappers are a hard no, and that energy-building self-care practices are an absolute yes.

For me, an essential self-care practice is gaining new insight on personal mastery and sharing what I learn with kindred spirits – that's YOU!

I hope you'll find this month's intel helpful, interesting and inspiring. Happy reading/listening/watching!

Pressed for time? My top 3 picks:

The Luxury Wellness Retreat at Fairmont Empress. (CREDIT: Michelle Ardiel)

EVENT: The Weekend Retreat at STRETCH Studio (Vancouver)  |  November 11-13, 2016
EVENT: The Luxury Retreat at Fairmont Empress (Victoria)  |  February 17-19, 2017

More wellness awesomeness:

Read/heard/watched something awesome lately? Please share!

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TLD October Intel: A Monthly Roundup Of Intelligence To Help You Live #TheLifeDelicious, via @LifeDelish 

FEATURED: 7 steps to take for a happier you right NOW

(Photos: ItkasanImages for Victoria Buzz)

On September 30, 2016 I landed in Victoria, BC via Helijet to meet an extraordinary group of women for a truly wonderful weekend of self-care strategy at the Fairmont Empress Luxury Wellness Retreat

Check out this feature, 7 steps to take for a happier you right NOW, in Victoria Buzz and put these strategies into action! 

The next Luxury Wellness Retreat at Fairmont Empress is February 17-19, 2017. Get on the waitlist here!

TLD September Intel: A Monthly Roundup Of Intelligence To Help You Live The Life Delicious!

Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

In our latest Mindful Book Club pick, Light is the New Black, author Rebecca Campbell asks what lights you up; and at a networking event I attended this week we were asked to think of our greatest skill and share it with 5 other people.

My answers go hand in hand: learning and teaching.

I love to acquire new knowledge, learn how to apply it, and teach it to others! 

How do I teach? Through coaching, retreats, workshops, keynotes and writing

I hope you'll find this month's intel helpful, interesting and inspiring.

Pressed for time? My top 3 picks:

Learn how to hardwire holistic success strategies at the Fairmont Empress Luxury Wellness Retreat, September 30 to October 2!

Join me in beautiful Victoria, BC for an all-inclusive weekend focused on filling your battery so full it overflows into your business and life.


Register today at


More wellness awesomeness:


Read/heard/watched something awesome lately? Please share!

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TLD September Intel: A Monthly Roundup Of Intelligence To Help You Live #TheLifeDelicious, via @LifeDelish

7 awesome podcasts to better your life

I have to admit that before I was a guest on Dr. Alain Desaulniers’ top-ranked podcast, Everyday Revolutions, I’d never actually listened to a podcast!

>>> Have a listen to my episode here <<<

So I have Alain to thank for getting me hooked on this awesome avenue of incredible life-bettering information.

But my days were already pretty full and I had to get clever about listening times – so I’ve started listening to podcasts while I do the dishes!

I cook a lot, and create a lot of dirty dishes in the wake of all those healthy meals, so there’s plenty of time for inspirational listening.

I actually look forward to the dishes these days, because it’s PODCAST TIME!!

Here are a few of my current favourites:

3.     The Tony Robbins Podcast

7.       Emerging Women, hosted by Chantal Pierrat 


What are your favourite (positive, wellbeing-focused) podcasts? Please share!


Did you like this post? Get social! >>>

7 awesome #podcasts to better your life, via @LifeDelish

Pamper yourself at the Fairmont Empress Luxury Wellness Retreat

Image: Hubert Kang

Image: Hubert Kang

Pamper yourself while you create sacred self-care rituals. 

At the Fairmont Empress Luxury Wellness RetreatSeptember 30 to October 2, you'll be pampered with nutritious meals, luxury accommodations and guided workouts, while you devote time, energy and attention to YOU.

The Luxury Wellness Retreat is geared toward entrepreneurs and executives. You're busy, so we've created the most efficient, effective, science-based strategies to help you live your best life, including:

  • the new science of stress management
  • the power of self-directed neuroplasticity
  • nutrition for mind, body and spirit
  • prioritizing physical activity
  • overcoming your brain's negativity bias
  • mastering resilience, gratitude and happiness
  • developing brain hygiene and mindfulness practices
  • becoming a rockstar sleeper

Give yourself the gift of an uninterrupted weekend away, where you'll learn to fill your battery so full it overflows into your business and life – REGISTER TODAY!  

This incredible, all-inclusive package comes with:

  • 2 nights luxury accommodation
  • 3 guided workouts
  • 5 nutritious meals (including an indulgent glass of BC wine with dinner)
  • The Life Delicious curriculum 
  • personal time for mindful reflection
  • closing ceremony

Space is limited! Don't wait to register. Visit now!



See what #TLDalumni are saying about The Life Delicious holistic wellness curriculum >>>

PUBLISHED: 5 Rituals for Mind-Body-Spirit Nutrition

As I moved from a career as a full-time personal trainer (where wine was largely discouraged) in my 20s to a career as a freelance writer focused on food and drink (where wine was always encouraged) in my 30s, I tried to find a sweet spot between those two worlds, where I could feel vibrant and healthy without feeling deprived. 

I arrived at my sweet spot as a wellness educator and strategist when I founded The Life Delicious.

TLD's holistic wellness curriculum suggests an "uncomplicated, gentle way to nourish mind, body and spirit that includes indulgences and bans deprivation."

5 Rituals for Mind-Body-Spirit Nutrition was published by

Fueling ourselves should feel good, guilt-free, simple – but for many people that’s not the case.

It wasn’t the case for me for many years. In fact, it was the opposite!

For me, it felt guilt-inducing, complicated and overwhelming.

I craved unhealthy, processed foods, never had a plan for meals, often turning to fast food, and was regularly furious with myself for having so little willpower – especially because my full-time job at the time as a personal trainer and fitness instructor was coaching people on their health.

But, through lots of trial and error, I’ve learned a powerful secret: when we approach nutrition through a mindful, holistic lens it feels good, guilt-free and simple!

I’ve discovered an uncomplicated, gentle way to nourish mind, body and spirit that includes indulgences and bans deprivation.

Read on to discover these 5 powerful secrets for yourself!

1. Mindfulness

Keeping a journal develops mindfulness and hardwires healthy habits

Human nature is to move toward pleasure and away from pain.

When we scarf down a bag of dill pickle chips for dinner or mindlessly eat pastries at our desk to fuel our afternoon, we’re only experiencing the immediate pleasure of a tasty treat and then moving onto the next thing so quickly and unconsciously that we don’t relate the pain of bloating, lethargy, congestion or topsy-turvy blood sugar to what we’ve eaten.

The most powerful practice you can develop is that of mindfulness – the state of being aware.

Begin to ask yourself, “how do I feel?” after you eat a snack or meal, and stretch out your awareness to 30 minutes later, 60 minutes later and 90 minutes later.

Keeping what I call a Mood, Food and Fitness Journal builds mindfulness because you’re not only taking the time to translate your expanded awareness into words, you’re compiling data that adds up to paint a clear picture: eating junk makes you feel like junk.

Mindfully considering how certain things really make you feel, via journaling, stimulates a process called self-directed neuroplasticity – consciously hardwiring your brain, in this case consciously hardwiring healthy habits so that you’re drawn to foods that provide expanded pleasure (i.e. tasty foods that also make you feel good for hours) and repelled by foods that create pain (i.e. tasty foods that make you feel bad).

Best-selling author Gretchen Rubin defines a ritual as a “habit charged with transcendent meaning.”

Create the ritual of expanded mindfulness when it comes to nutrition and you will be rewarded with a nourishing, guilt-free relationship with food.

It’s really that simple! Disciplined work, but simple.

2. Origins

As I developed the ritual of mindful eating, I was also beginning my career as a writer, much of it about food, so I naturally started to think more about where, exactly, my food came from.

My biggest inspiration was the incredible chefs I had the opportunity to interview, who often introduced their ingredients by the farm they originated from.

Strangely, this was something I’d given very little thought to before: where the food I ate came from and how it was grown or raised.

My curiosity sent me down the rabbit hole of researching where things came from. In large part, I was very unhappy with what I discovered – factory farming, animal cruelty, ocean-life-obliterating fishing practices, and fruits and vegetables that we already grow locally shipped in from across the globe.

Every dollar we spend is a vote for the change we want to see in the world. There are many wonderful local businesses that get my votes, like, the Vancouver Farmers Markets, Urban Digs Farm, plus the Vancouver Aquarium’s comprehensive Ocean Wise program is an excellent resource for finding sustainable seafood for sale and served in restaurants.

3. Content

I promised indulgences, and this is where they come in!

The first consideration of nutritional content is what I call the ratio rule. If you’re a foodie, especially, I think you’ll love this philosophy.

Instead of approaching your diet through the lens of deprivation, and dwelling on a long list of things you “shouldn’t” eat, focus on the abundance of wonderful options available to you.

Focus on what makes you feel good – in mind, body and spirit.

As a fitness professional and foodie, I’ve found a balance of nutrient-dense foods that fuel my mind and body, and indulgent foods that fuel my spirit. My ratio is 70-percent (mind-body fuel) to 30-percent (spirit fuel).

Your ratio may be different. Start from wherever you are (is 50:50 a step in a better direction?) and slowly grow your mind-body percentage until you’ve reached a ratio that makes you feel vibrant without feeling deprived.

There’s a big difference between eating a stack of processed cookies in your car when you’re starving, and enjoying a cookie (or two) with someone who lovingly baked them for you using special ingredients.

Fill your mind-body fuel tank first with nutrient-dense foods, and when you’re in an elevated state let your spirit tank have its fill.

The second consideration of nutritional content is balancing macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fat) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and antioxidants).

Learning how best to eat can seem really overwhelming with so much contradictory information out there. I love Michael Pollan’s simple advice: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

Keep in mind that nutrient requirements differ for every individual and depend on activity level, bodyweight, genetics, food preferences and sensitivities.

Make sure you’re getting a variety of everything (protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants) – the more colourful your plate, the more potent and vast the nutrients – and use your Mood, Food and Fitness Journal to discover the best combination for you.

Complex carbohydrates (like lentils, beans, whole grains and low-glycemic-index fruits and vegetables), paired with protein and healthy fats (like olive oil, coconut oil, avocado and omega-3s), help you maintain sustained, balanced blood sugar.

Blood sugar directly affects mood – something you’ve likely experienced as the “hangries” when your personality takes a dive along with your blood sugar if it’s been too long since you’ve consumed any fuel.

If this all sounds like a lot of work, it is – initially. But the investment you make will have a massive, totally-worth-it payoff: discovering exactly what fuels you to feel satisfied, energized and satiated.

4. Action plan

“He who fails to plan is planning to fail,” said Winston Churchill.

Without a nutrition plan, it’s difficult not to fail. But with a flexible framework for your weekly menu, grocery list, and eating schedule, it’s difficult not to succeed!

Make a weekly menu. Even if you just have a rough idea of what you’ll eat for each meal, it makes preparation so much easier.

At the end of a long work day, the last thing you need is to make more decisions. Setting time aside at the start of the week to plan your meals and snacks takes very little time once you get the hang of it, and frees up lots of mental energy during the workweek plus ensures you have a solid plan to fuel your life and work.

Once you’ve created your weekly menu, it’s easy to compile your grocery list accordingly – and when you shop for exactly what you need, instead of wandering up and down every aisle (or scrolling through every online page), you’re less likely to waste food, which is great for your wallet and the planet.

You’re also less likely to buy superfluous items and junk if you’re satiated, so never shop when you’re hungry – make sure to fuel up first. And stick to the periphery of the store to avoid the packaged foods in the middle (which translates to keeping your clicks to the fresh foods tabs when you’re shopping online).

Also, ensuring that your pantry and freezer remain stocked with essentials (like lentils, beans, brown rice, canned vegetables, frozen vegetables and frozen proteins), means you’ll always have the makings for a healthy meal on hand, even if it’s been a busy week and you can’t make it to the grocery store – or forget to order online.

Make a weekly eating schedule. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of the day and forget to eat at regular intervals. As mentioned in the previously, low blood sugar affects your mood, as well as your energy, productivity and cognitive function. So it’s very worthwhile to have a plan to fuel up every few hours throughout the day to maintain a steady level of energy, focus and geniality.

For example, scheduling meals around 8am, 12:30pm and 5pm, means you’ll not only stay steadily fueled throughout the day, a 15-hour fast overnight will allow your body and brain to repair themselves. When you eat right before bed, it’s like your boss dumping a bunch of extra work on your desk (digestion) when you already have a full day’s worth of tasks to do (body and brain repair).

5. Cooking

Cooking for yourself is an act of self-care. It’s where all of your planning comes together – where your healthy intentions are realized.

When you cook for yourself, you know exactly what’s going into your food so you can tweak it until it’s the perfect composition for your unique needs, and remove any ingredients that cause a reaction.

And since you’re investing the time to create healthy meals, why not make double or triple so that you have leftovers for lunches and snacks?

Discover new recipes. If you could use a little more confidence in the kitchen, discovering new recipes is a great way to spark your imagination with the training wheels of guidance. There’s a monstrous amount of recipe inspiration out there these days – just search Google, Pinterest or Instagram with an ingredient, or combination of ingredients, you’d like to try and you’ll find plenty of ideas to experiment with. Local food reporter Erin Ireland is an endless source of inspiration for plant-based recipe ideas and discovering new cookbooks and food blogs.

Mind your mindset. Deciding to cook more often can feel like you’re adding more work to your already-full plate, but if you shift your mindset around your time in the kitchen it can change your experience from overwhelming to empowering.

Do all you can to make it a pleasant experience: turn up the mood music or listen to an interesting podcast, invest in a few pieces of awesome equipment – like a cast iron frying pan and great knives – and when it comes to clean up, get yourself some delicious-smelling dish soap and comfy dish gloves.

And remember that your time moving around in the kitchen counts toward your daily physical activity requirement. I call this starting an anti-sedentary revolution!

TLD August Intel: A monthly roundup of intelligence to help you live The Life Delicious!

Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

My job – and passion – as a wellness coach is to help YOU acquire and apply the knowledge and skills to live an extraordinary life!

Through The Life Delicious’ holistic wellness curriculum – via coachingretreatsworkshops and keynotes – I help entrepreneurs and executives find the sweet spot between vibrant health, success and indulgence.

Vibrant health: Physical strength, mental resilience, spiritual alignment.

Success: Abundance, fulfillment, purpose.

Indulgence: Culinary experiences, global adventures, luxurious downtime.

Wanting to have ALL of these things in my life – harmoniously, simultaneously – led me to develop my holistic wellness curriculum and create The Life Delicious.

This desire for vibrant health, success and indulgence provides me with a daily wellspring of enthusiasm for gaining new intel.

The most exciting part? Sharing my discoveries with YOU!

I created a new #TLDalumni newsletter last month, but was so excited about the content that I wanted to share it with everyone every month!

Take note my beloved alumni: I have an exclusive, super exciting gift coming to you in a few weeks!

I really hope you’ll benefit from these monthly intel offerings.

Happy reading/listening/watching!

Pressed for time? My top 3 picks:

Join me at The Art of Leadership Vancouver conference on September 16 and save up to $100! Use promo-code TLD20 and save $50 per pass, or $100 when registering 3 or more together! >>> Register HERE <<<

More wellness awesomeness:

Read/heard/watched something awesome lately? Please share!

And if you have a friend who’d love this intel, please send them this post!

PUBLISHED: 5 exercises for healthy, strong feet

{Image: IMPACT magazine}

A few years ago, my amazing friend and former employer, Dr. Stacy Irvine, co-owner of Toronto's Totum Life Science (which she founded with equally cool husband Tim Irvine), contributing fitness editor at Chatelaine magazine, and Cityline's health and fitness expert, appeared on an episode of Cityline to talk about exercises for healthy feet. 

I loved the video, started doing the exercises – which made a huge difference to my foot strength and health – and referred it to my clients.

But then the video disappeared.

So I pitched a story about exercises for healthy feet to an awesome magazine focused on fitness, sport and performance – IMPACT magazine – they said yes, and Stacy graciously agreed to share her knowledge and expertise with all of us.

Thank you, Stacy!

It's so important to show your feet – your FOUNDATION – some love. I hope you'll try these 5 exercises for healthy, strong feet!

>>> Click HERE to read the full story! <<< 

For more information about personal training, Pilates, boxing, indoor cycling, yoga, youth athletic training, sports medicine, massage, physiotherapy, chiropractic, nutrition coaching, naturopathic medicine, and concussion testing at Totum Life Science, click HERE

The Araxi Longtable at North Arm Farm

>>> Click through SLIDESHOW above <<<

Words by Catherine Roscoe Barr + Photos by Aaron J. Barr

This story was originally published in the August/September 2015 issue of Homes & Living magazine. 

When you arrive at Pemberton’s North Arm Farm you’re literally taken aback by the majesty of Mount Currie, the northernmost peak in the Garibaldi Ranges – and that’s before you see the elegant dinner table, nestled among rows of brightly coloured blossoms and large leafy greens, draped with white linens and set for 300.

In its fifth year at the picture-perfect estate, the Araxi Longtable flips the farm to table approach on its head and brings the table to the farm. The culinary finesse and impeccable service that have made Whistler’s Araxi Restaurant and Oyster Bar an internationally adored destination since opening in 1981 are transported to this al fresco wonderland, hosted by farm owner (and former Pemberton mayor) Jordan Sturdy and his family.  

While executive chef James Walt, who has led Araxi’s kitchen for nearly 20 years, and his team prepare a regionally-inspired, four-course, family-style meal in an adjacent row of white tents, wine director and 2013 Sommelier of the Year, Samantha Rahn makes sure every glass is filled, and restaurant director Neil Henderson ensures every guest’s mood is merry.

Much of the ingredients for dinner are plucked from North Arm’s surrounding 60 acres, where fertile fields yield more than 40 different organically grown crops. Both at work and at home, Walt has been practicing this farm-fresh philosophy for nearly a lifetime. From his childhood on a farm near Ottawa where his mom “grew everything” and a four-year stint at 100-mile-diet-champion Sooke Harbour House after graduating from the Stratford Chefs School, to his appointment as executive chef at the Canadian Embassy in Rome where he adopted the Italians’ local market mentality, and now his young family’s productive garden plot at their Pemberton residence.

“Where we live is fantastic because it’s an agricultural community and it’s just a real part of the culture,” says Walt of the pristine seasonal ingredients available from the surrounding farms, ranches, rivers, lakes and Pacific Ocean. “If you’re eating locally you’re eating well,” he says. “It benefits you nutritionally to eat products that are in season.”

At the Longtable, the entire dining experience is heightened by the spectacular backdrop, the special ingredients harvested nearby at their prime, the communal energy of 300 strangers fast becoming friends, and the relaxed pace as the event unfolds.

Upon their late-afternoon arrival, guests mingle in a covered breezeway and on the manicured lawn, where canapes are passed and cocktails are poured, and before walking along a tractor-worn path toward the dinner table, they’re invited to tour the farm to see firsthand the fields that nurture much of what they’re about to consume.

As the last bites of pastry chef Aaron Heath’s desserts are enjoyed, the entire team lines up for the eruption of applause that meets their bow. Guests slowly trickle out, pausing to shake the hands of Walt, Rahn, Henderson and their team, thank the Sturdy family for sharing their home, and take one last look at Mount Currie as the sunlight begins to fade behind it.

This year’s Araxi Longtable at North Arm Farm will be held on Sunday, August 21, 2016. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit

4 B.C. road trips you need to take this year

(Image: Rick Graham /

(Image: Rick Graham /

How much do you love a good road trip? I love them so much!

Exploring new places, sightseeing, long talks, comfortable silence, impromptu photo ops, road trip tunes.

Everything about a road trip makes me happy. (Well, almost everything – I don’t like air conditioning, and sometimes I lose that battle). Even getting lost can be fun!

We are so blessed in British Columbia to have so many great places to explore and enjoy.

Below are a few of my favourite B.C. road trips.

Check out the hashtag #exploreBC across social media, and visit for many more road trip ideas.


Coast Mountain Circle Route

Clockwise or counterclockwise, and from wherever you start, the Coast Mountain Circle Route is a scenic, 600-kilometre loop – with a few thrilling, harrowingly narrow cliff-side bits – connecting Vancouver, Whistler, Pemberton, Lillooet, Lytton and Hope.

>>> For a roundup of where to stay, eat and visit click HERE <<<



Kootenay Rockies

Even if my little brother and his wife didn’t live in Nelson, I would still be in love with this beautiful region of the province! Rugged, wild and pristine – but still many spots for good food and drink. Honestly, what else could you ask for?

>>> Check out <<<


Okanagan Valley

Sunny days, breathtaking scenery, award-winning food, and some of the world’s best wine. Need I say more? Didn’t think so.

>>> For a roundup of where to stay, eat and visit click HERE <<<


Sunshine Coast

I fell madly in love with the Sunshine Coast the first time I took the short trip over on the ferry. You absolutely have to experience this part of B.C.!

>>> For a roundup of where to stay, eat and visit click HERE <<<



Got wanderlust?

>>> Click HERE to read my post, Why travel is good for mind, body and spirit <<<



How to Refuse a Life of Mediocrity


4 Steps to Manifest the Extraordinary

I realized the other day that it’s been years since I lamented, “I refuse to live a life of mediocrity!”

In my twenties, when I was struggling to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up, and struggling to gain mastery over my emotions, all I knew was that there was more – more joy, more awe, more adventure, more purpose, more success.

And I wanted more.  

And I was angry that I didn’t have more.

And I didn’t know how to get more.

Hence, my battle cry (and sometimes battle sob): “I refuse to live a life of mediocrity!”

I knew it deeply in my bones that this one short and precious life shouldn’t feel mediocre.

Synonyms for mediocre include:

  • average
  • lackluster
  • ordinary
  • unexciting
  • uninspired
  • unremarkable


The opposite of mediocre is extraordinary.

Synonyms for extraordinary include:

  • amazing
  • awesome
  • exceptional
  • fantastic
  • incredible
  • phenomenal
  • remarkable
  • sensational
  • stupendous
  • terrific
  • tremendous
  • wondrous


It occurred to me, when I recognized that mediocrity hadn’t been on my mind for some time, that my intention to have more of the extraordinary in my life had transformed my mindset, inspired action, and created results.

I'm excited to share these 4 transformative steps with you on how to refuse a life of mediocrity, and embrace and manifest the extraordinary!


1. Intention

The first step involves examining your life, holistically, across five different dimensions of wellness

  • spiritual
  • social
  • physical
  • intellectual
  • environmental   

and naming your intentions.


How do you want to feel, spiritually? Do you want to feel like your battery’s so full it overflows? Do you want to feel lit up? On purpose? Connected to your inner wisdom? Authentic? Present? Resilient? Tenacious?

How do you want to feel, socially? Do you want to feel supported? Seen? Heard? Loved? Adored? Inspired?

How do you want to feel, physically? Do you want to feel powerful? Strong? Flexible? Agile? Energized? Luscious?

How do you want to feel, intellectually? Do you want to feel creative? Engaged? Focused? Innovative? Productive?

How do you want to feel, environmentally? Do you want to feel grounded? Peaceful? Rejuvenated through nature? Connected to Mother Earth? Uncluttered and organized in your home and workspace?

Write it down!

Click HERE for more information on creating a powerful journaling practice.


2. Mindset

The second step involves adopting a mindset shift to begin looking for the extraordinary that already exists in your life.

This step alone can transform mediocrity into extraordinary – because there are so many amazing, fantastic and remarkable things that already exist in your life.


Spiritually, what’s already extraordinary?

Socially, what’s already extraordinary?

Physically, what’s already extraordinary?

Intellectually, what’s already extraordinary?

Environmentally, what’s already extraordinary?

Write it down!


3. Action

The third step involves creating an action plan to manifest the extraordinary that you intend for your life.


What are 3 actions you can take to feel the extraordinary, spiritually?

What are 3 actions you can take to feel the extraordinary, socially?

What are 3 actions you can take to feel the extraordinary, physically?  

What are 3 actions you can take to feel the extraordinary, intellectually?

What are 3 actions you can take to feel the extraordinary, environmentally?

Write it down!


4. Results

Gratitude. Gratitude. Gratitude.

The more gratitude you express for what you have and have achieved, the more extraordinary you’ll invite into your life.


What are you grateful for, spiritually?

What are you grateful for, socially?

What are you grateful for, physically?  

What are you grateful for, intellectually?

What are you grateful for, environmentally?

Write it down!


Did you like this post? Please share it! >>>

How to refuse a life of mediocrity: 4 steps to manifest the extraordinary, via @LifeDelish 

PUBLISHED: Vancouver Running Co.

{Image: Montecristo magazine}

I first met Becky and Rob Smith, who own Kitsilano's Vancouver Running Co., when I interviewed them for a Montecristo feature. 

I loved them, instantly. 

They've not only created a beautiful store for every kind of runner, they've created a vibrant, inclusive community – with weekly group runs, super creative events, and their new VRC Flight Crew Premier paid membership program with tons of perks, like:

  • $35 annual credit towards Vancouver Running Co. or VRC Flight Crew merchandise  
  • 15% off apparel and footwear / 15% off nutrition and accessories / 10% off electronics 
  • 24hr early access to all limited registration Vancouver Running Co. & VRC Flight Crew events
  • Attendance to the Flight Crew Premier Speaker Series 
  • Members only access to limited VRC Flight Crew merchandise

I am so excited to be the first speaker in their Flight Crew Premier Speaker Series this Wednesday, July 6! 

You've got to be a member to attend – sign up HERE

Becky and Rob have also been amazing partners of The Life Delicious – co-leading many of the group runs, and adding to the fabulous goody bags, at my wellness retreats in Chinatown. 

Read more about them HERE in Vancouver Running Company: Fancy footwork at!

Sign up for my FREE Global Wellness Day workshop at the Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver - June 8, 2016

{Image: Four Seasons Hotel}

{Image: Four Seasons Hotel}



The Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver is celebrating Global Wellness Day – "designed to remind the earth’s inhabitants to celebrate living well" – with a week-long tribute to good health featuring a series of FREE events, from June 6 to 10.

I'm leading a wellness workshop on Wednesday, June 8 at 5:30pm!

What can you expect? You'll learn strategies to connect with the science of health, happiness and productivity, including:

  • Why practicing mindfulness can transform your health, happiness and productivity
  • How to use the principles of neuroscience and positive psychology to super-charge your brain
  • How to reduce and transform your overall stress inventory
  • How physical activity can boost focus, and improve learning and memory
  • How delicious, not deprived, nutrition can elevate mental and physical performance

Plus, you'll leave with a personalized action plan to help you achieve greater success in your personal and professional life!


Also, check out:

  • Monday, June 6: a fun and fabulous Beyonce dance class presented by RSVP33
  • Friday, June 10: an awesome outdoor spin class on the pool deck with the ultra-popular Eastwood Cycle Sanctuary
  • Saturday, June 11: a sunrise yoga class led by Dr. Genieve Burley and the team at the flagship lululemon athletica Robson Street

Visit the Four Seasons website for more information and to register for these events, plus follow along using the hashtag #FSWellness.

INTRODUCING: The Life Delicious *NEW* Foundation Retreat + 6-week Coaching Program

Happy Sunday!

I don’t normally work on Sundays but I’m off to Scottsdale for a week to celebrate my 37th birthday so I wanted to send a quick note before hopping on the plane.

I’ve got 2 NEW offerings that I’m super excited to share with you!

If you’re familiar with The Life Delicious curriculum, you know that I’ve got a 12-Week Private Coaching Program and a Weekend Retreat that both follow the same strategic, holistic, multi-faceted curriculum.

I’ve heard from so many of you that you’re interested in working with me – to connect with your inner wisdom, transform your capacity for personal and professional success, recharge your mind-body-spirit batteries, and all that jazz – but 12 weeks or an entire weekend are too much to commit to at this point in your life.

So, I’m thrilled to announce the very first Foundation Retreat on Friday, June 3 from 8am to 6pm at STRETCH Yoga Studio in Vancouver’s historic Chinatown!

The Foundation Retreat encompasses what I believe to be the most foundational elements of the full curriculum.

Here’s a little look:

  • MODULE 1: Trifecta of Wellness, Mood, Food and Fitness Journal, neuroplasticity
  • MODULE 2: Body basics, fitness basics
  • MODULE 3: Strength
  • MODULE 4: Rituals for mind-body-spirit nutrition
  • MODULE 5: The science of negative thinking, emodiversity
  • MODULE 6: Flexibility
  • MODULE 7: Positive psychology, brain hygiene, meditation
  • MODULE 8: Sleep
  • MODULE 9: Cardio

What’s included:

  • an immersive, enthusiastic exploration into YOU!
  • learning alongside an incredible tribe of like-minded individuals
  • amazing meals and snacks, catered by’s Be Fresh Local Market
  • 3 short-and-sweet workouts
  • a fabulous goody bag
  • closing ceremony to celebrate your personalized action plan
  • 30-minute private coaching session

To mirror this new mini retreat option, I’m also launching a new 6-Week Private Coaching Program that follows the same foundational curriculum as the Foundation Retreat.

Don't wait to registerthere are only 8 spots left for the June 3 Foundation Retreat!


You can also register for the next Weekend Retreat at STRETCH Yoga Studio on September 23 to 25.

And if you want access to the mountains of articles, books and videos on personal mastery that I’m always consuming, connect with me on Facebook and Twitter! I try to share everything I come across that’s awesome.

Wishing you oodles of health, happiness and productivity!



Desire Map Workshop

Desire Map Workshop

Want an inspirational double whammy? Sign up for a whole weekend focussed on YOU – June 3, 4 and 5!

Join self leadership coach Jenny Xenos on June 4-5, after The Life Delicious Foundation Retreat on June 3, and use promo code TLDDesireMapping to save $50 on her #DesireMap Level 1 workshop from 10am to 4:30pm on Saturday and Sunday!

This workshop is the perfect complement to the feelings-first approach we love at The Life Delicious!

Register HERE: http://www.jennyxenos. com/desire-map-workshop-jenny- xenos/